We work closely with over thirty-five local Alaskan farmers, ranchers, fishmongers, beekeepers, and other food entrepreneurs around the state. Whether on three acres or three-hundred, all are hardworking Alaskans, dedicated to providing the highest quality food in the state. We always prioritize local products over out-of-state ones.
We know you still want great produce year-round, that's why we're also sourcing a selection of high quality, U.S. grown, organic products when they aren't available from Alaskan producers. You can still read about these producers and their growing practices to make the best purchasing decisions for you and your family.
Get to know your farmers and food producers below!
Select Producer
Select Producer
4T% Ranch
A & K Garden Greens (AK)
Acme Greenhouses (AK)
AK Fermentation Co. (AK)
Alaska Flour Company (AK)
Alaska Heavenly Honey (AK)
Alaska Natural Foods (AK)
Alaska Pasta Company (AK)
Alaska Range Dairy (AK)
Alaska Ruff (AK)
Alaska Sprouts (AK)
Alaska Wild Harvest (AK)
Alaskan Hilltop Honey Company (AK)
All About Apples (AK)
Anchor Point Greenhouses (AK)
Arctic Harvest Deliveries (AK)
Arctic Organics (AK)
Barnacle (AK)
Beach Tribe Soda Works (AK)
Bell's Nursery (AK)
Blood, Sweat & Food Farms (AK)
Bushes Bunches (AK)
Buzzed Bee (AK)
Chugach Chocolates (AK)
Concoction Breads (AK)
Cozy Bear Kitchen (AK)
Doug Ott (AK)
Elsberry Farm (AK)
Europa Bakery (AK)
Evie's Brinery (AK)
Far North Fungi (AK)
Farragut Farm (AK)
Felicity Loft (AK)
Fish from Trish (AK)
Fithian Family Farm (AK)
Foraged & Found (AK)
Fresh International Garden (AK)
Frontiersman Sourdough (AK)
Full Moon AK (AK)
Glacier Valley Farm (AK)
Goldilocks Farm (WA)
Gonzalez Farm (WA)
Good Life Organic (OR)
Gourmet Trading Co (WA)
Granola Borealis (AK)
Griffin Creek Farm (WA)
Groundwork Organics (OR)
Happy Claws Lucky Paws (AK)
Harmony Fields (WA)
Hayshaker Farm (WA)
Heart Island Farm (OR)
Heavenly Fresh (CA)
Heavy Weather Fish Co. (AK)
Hedlin Farms (WA)
High and Dry Farm (WA)
Highline Mushrooms (WA)
Hima Farms (WA)
HMC Farm (CA)
Homegrown Organic Farms (CA)
Homer Hilltop Farm (AK)
HoneyBear Marketing (MN)
Ice Aged Charcuterie (AK)
Independent (WA)
Index Fresh (CA)
Jacob's Farm (WA)
Jacobs Argo (WA)
Jayleaf (CA)
Jerry Slough Farms (CA)
Johansen (CA)
Josie's Organics (CA)
Joyfully Grown (WA)
Juice, Jelly & Jam (AK)
Kamayan Farm (WA)
Kaspari Farms (AK)
King's Crown (ID)
Kinsey Farm (WA)
LadyBug Brand (CA)
Lakeside Organic Gardens (CA)
Local Bounti (MT)
Local Color Farm (WA)
Long Hearing Farm (WA)
Lost Peacock Creamery (WA)
Marrowstone Mushrooms (WA)
Marsalisi Organics (CA)
Masumoto Organic Farm (CA)
Misty Mountain Mushrooms (OR)
Montecucco Farms (OR)
Mosquito Mama (AK)
Motley Crew (AK)
Mt. Hood Organic Farms (OR)
Mugrage Hay & Cattle (AK)
Mushroom King Farm (CA)
Mycopia (CA)
Natural Beauty (CA)
Nature's Pick (CA)
Nookachamps Farm (WA)
North Soul Salmon (AK)
Northern Seitan Company (AK)
Nottinghamshire Farm (OR)
Nuevo Amanecer (OR)
NW Farms (WA)
Oceanside (CA)
Oh So Natural (CA)
Okanogan Producers Marketing Association (WA)
Olsen Farms (WA)
Olson Family Farm (CA)
Orange Star Farm (WA)
Organic Treat (CA)
Organically Grown Company (CA/OR/WA)
Oxbow Farm & Conservation Center (WA)
Pam's Carrots (AK)
Peri and Sons (NV)
Pete's Living Greens (CA)
Pink Moon Farm (WA)
Pinnacle (CA)
Polaris Farm (AK)
Prince William Sound Salt Co (AK)
Radicle Roots Farm (WA)
Rain Dog Farm (WA)
Rainbow Valley Orchards (CA)
Rainier (WA)
Ralph's Greenhouse (WA)
Raven's Roost Honey (AK)
Red Cedar (WA)
Rempel Family Farm (AK)
Rick Sonnen Farm (OR)
Rico Farm (CA)
Rincon Farms Produce (CA)
Rising Sign Farm (WA)
River City Shiitake (OR)
Riverland Family Farms (OR)
Royal Red (WA)
Rundle Family Farm (CA)
Sage Fruit (WA)
Salt Blade (WA)
Sammamish Farms (WA)
Sauk Farm (WA)
Scott Plagerman Farms (AK)
Seeds of Change (AK)
Serrato Produce (CA)
Seven Spruce (AK)
Sidhu Farms (WA)
Sierra Madre Organic (CA)
Simply Grown Organics (CA)
Siri & Son Farms (OR)
Skylight Farms (WA)
Sno Valley Mushrooms (WA)
Songbird Haven Farm (WA)
Sound Sustainable Farms (WA)
Spring Creek Farm (AK)
Steam Dot Coffee (AK)
Steel Wheel Farm (WA)
Stemilt (WA)
Stockwell Farm (AK)
Sugar Bee Organic (WA)
Summertime Fresh (CA)
Sunrise Organic Farm (CA)
Sweet Adeline (WA)
Symbiotic Cultures (WA)
That's Tasty (CA)
Three Ladybugs Farm (AK)
Tomatero Organic Farm (CA)
Top Hat (OR)
Tualco Valley Farm (WA)
Tule Specialty Packing (CA)
Tunawerth Creamery (WA)
Tutti Frutti (CA)
Vanderweele Farms (AK)
Vince Lombardo (AK)
Wild Wellness Farm (AK)
Wildfish Cannery (AK)
Wooden Spoons Alaska (AK)
Zip Kombucha (AK)