



Year-round // Fully Customizable // Pay As You Go

🥕 Sign up for a Farm Share subscription and receive regularly scheduled deliveries of high-quality, locally and organically grown food. Choose home delivery or one of our convenient pickup locations. 

🥕 Our fully customizable Farm Shares take the planning out grocery shopping and make it easy to buy good food. A  share gives you access to our full selection of products including eggs, milk, meat, seafood, dairy and pantry staples, so you can do all your shopping in one place! 

🥕 Our produce shares are 100% Alaskan Grown thru the summer. Fall, winter and spring, we will incorporate organically grown U.S. produce as needed. Farm names and locations will be listed with each product, so you will always know where your food is coming from.

🥕 Sign-up today, cancel anytime.

 Customization is open 4:30pm Friday - 9pm Sunday each week. 

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